產品詳情 練力帶適合用於訓練肌肉力量、改善關節活動及不同肌肉之間的協調性。 $50.00
產品詳情 利用身體重量按壓,能有效舒緩肌肉疲勞,增加關節靈活。 $180.00
產品詳情 利用身體重量按壓,針對微細肌肉。能有效舒緩肌肉疲勞,增加關節靈活。 $70.00
Get to know tennis elbow Tennis elbow is also called lateral epicondylitis. The cause is micro-tear at the bony attachment of the muscles at the outer aspect of the elbow. If repetitive force is continuously exerted, the tissue is torn again before it is recovered, making the condition worse and worse, finally leading to tennis [...]
Get to know plantar fasciitis Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia and the surrounding soft tissue due to trauma or overuse. The condition may affect all age groups, but most commonly occurs in women between 40-60 years old. Cause of plantar fasciitis The foot undergoes excessive stress with prolonged standing or walking [...]
「肩關節周圍炎」,又稱為「五十肩」、「凍結肩」、「漏肩風」等。本病以肩部疼痛 和肩關節活動受限為主要症狀的一種常見疾病。 本病病因 年老體虛,氣血不足,導致更密失濡養。 汗出當風,睡臥露肩,感受風寒濕邪,導致筋脈拘急。 長期重複的動作,引發慢性勞損,導致勞傷筋脈。 突然受暴力所致急性損傷,導致筋脈氣血瘀滯。 臨床表現 疼痛和壓痛 疼痛表現為痠痛或鈍痛。 早期:肩部疼痛劇烈及脹痛明顯,甚至放射至同側肘部,遇寒濕時疼痛加重,日輕夜重,影響睡眠。 後期:肩部疼痛減輕,但活動障礙顯著,在肩部周圍能找到明顯壓痛點。 活動障礙 病情越長,活動障礙越明顯。常常不能完成穿衣、洗臉、梳頭等動作。 肩關節被動上舉、後伸、內斂、外展、內旋等動作受限。日久,肩部功能幾乎完全喪失,而成凍結狀,但疼痛減輕。 肌肉萎縮 病情久者,因疼痛與廢用,出現肩部肌肉廣泛性萎縮。 中醫針灸及骨傷推拿對治療五十肩皆有很好療效,有需要可以詢問中醫師。
Common injuries in Taekwondo athletes and their prevention Training is accompanied with injuries and there is no exception in Taekwondo. Lower limb injuries are common in Taekwondo as it is a lower limb based martial art. Two major types of injuries are knee and ankle sprain and muscle strain due to explosive or repetitive movements. [...]
Common training in Taekwondo Taekwondo is a martial art which requires a high usage on lower limb muscles. Other than flexibility, other trainings are introduced to reduce the risk of injury and enhance performance. Snap Kick Turning Kick Flexibility Dynamic stretching Static stretching assisted with dynamic stretching is adopted as training for flexibility. Forward [...]
Five common football injuries(5) 5.Hamstring Strain The hamstrings are responsible for hip and knee joint movement. During football games, players often have dribbling and sprinting movement. If the players lack warm-up or are inflexible, those muscles will be easily overstretched and finally result in muscle strain. The signs of muscle strain include swelling and haematoma. [...]
Five common football injuries(4) 4.Quadriceps Contusion Quadriceps are one of the important muscle groups responsible for knee movement. During football matches, there may be a lot of body contacts between footballers. The quadriceps are easily hit by the opponents resulting in contusion. The signs of contusion include muscle swelling and haematoma. Players are recommended to [...]